Sitecore 8.2 update 1 : Post your message to social media and capture analytics

If you are using Sitecore 8.2.1 Social connected module to post messages to social networks. Below information could be useful.
I have followed the steps mentioned in the Social Content posting from Sitecore documentation.
Based on reference, my understanding is social media is inbuilt feature in Sitecore latest versions (i.e 8.2 u1)
I’ve created developer apps in social media
  • Facebook: generated Application ID, API key, Secret keys 
  • Google Plus: generated Application ID, API key, Secret keys 
  • LinkedIn: generated Application ID, API key, Secret keys  
  • Twitter: generated Application ID, API key, Secret keys  
Later Sitecore confirmed on social networks (LinkedIn and G+) are not in-built, it needs customization OOTB.
So I have tried on Facebook and Twitter connectivity.
I was able to post the content messages on the Facebook page. However, likes and comments to that messages are not flowing back to Sitecore when I click "Refresh Statistics".

This is not social login. Do you think any permissions required in the Facebook app to have these statistics working?? absolutely no.
You should make a Facebook app is live and in non-dev status.
Well after doing some analysis, it's been identified as the bug in Sitecore where it needs below patch to be configured additionally.

Sitecore has registered the behavior as a bug for Sitecore 8.2.1 version.Use public reference number 158997 to track the future status of this bug report.
Please apply the following patch in order to overcome the issue:
  1. Place the attached Sitecore.Support.158997.dll assembly to the bin folder of your solution. For patch dll, please reach out to the Sitecore support team.
  2. Open ...App_Config/Includes/Social/Sitecore.Social.Facebook.config file and replace the following row:
<provider type="Sitecore.Social.Facebook.Networks.Providers.FacebookProvider, Sitecore.Social.Facebook"/>
with the following one:
<provider type="Sitecore.Support.Social.Facebook.Networks.Providers.FacebookProvider, Sitecore.Support.158997"/>

Note: This patch still needs to be tested properly, please verify module completely in local Sitecore and Sitecore Azure web app instances.

